($7.00 shipping)
by Chris Barber ©2020,
Investigates the evolution of faith and culture that began in 1701 when the Carolina colony was still young. First the Church of England, and later, the Methodist Church provided the foundation of faith for three earlier chapels that paved the way for Rehoboth Methodist Church. Barber examines Rehoboth’s years as an active church from 1853 through 1969, then spotlights the volunteers who have helped to keep the church’s doors open for services and cultural activities for half a century. An appendix lists names of people found in old church records.
Proceeds from the sale of the book benefit Rehoboth Church Preservation Society, Inc. for continued maintenance and preservation projects at Rehoboth Church.
Cost: $23.00 plus shipping in the continental U.S.
Your $5.00 donation allows you a chance to take home this year's beautiful quilt. When you make a donation, we will put your name on one ticket and enter it into the raffle for a new quilt made and donated for the Quilt Show.
You do not have to be present to win.
Your $20.00 donation allows you a chance to take home this year's beautiful quilt. When you make a donation, we will put your name on 5 tickets and enter it into the raffle for a new quilt made and donated for the Quilt Show.
You do not have to be present to win.
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